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This page provides an updated statistics of GDLOTTO's past results.
You can check the highest strike frequency of number(s).
Rank Number Last Draw # Last Draw Date Prize Type Frequency
1 2311 2713/2024 2024-05-21 Consolation Prize 14
2 3847 2685/2024 2024-04-23 Consolation Prize 14
3 6370 2429/2023 2023-08-11 Special Prize 14
4 8120 2680/2024 2024-04-18 Special Prize 14
5 0991 2548/2023 2023-12-08 Consolation Prize 13
6 2814 2555/2023 2023-12-15 Consolation Prize 13
7 3129 2685/2024 2024-04-23 Consolation Prize 13
8 3465 2594/2024 2024-01-23 Special Prize 13
9 3735 2742/2024 2024-06-19 3rd Prize 13
10 3952 2762/2024 2024-07-09 Special Prize 13
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